Running Low on Heating Oil?

Count on Stauffer Fuel for heating oil delivery in Coatesville & West Chester, PA

Keeping your home heated in the winter is essential to handling the cold Coatesville & West Chester, PA nights. You need a professional heating oil company that can deliver on time and within your budget. That's where we come in.

Stauffer Fuel, Inc. is your dedicated, reliable oil delivery team. We take all major credit cards, and we offer budget plans so you can get the oil you need without a problem. Just tells us how much oil you need and we can deliver it quickly.

Speak to our agents today to get your heating oil delivered this week.

Our heating oil delivery process

When you order oil from us, the process is very straightforward, even if you don't know how much you need. To get oil delivery from Stauffer Fuel:

  • Place an order for your heating oil
  • Allow us to deliver the oil you need
  • Receive a reimbursement for oil that didn't fit in your tank

We can typically deliver oil to your home within a few days, so you'll never have to go without heat in your home. Reach out now to schedule a heating oil delivery to your Coatesville & West Chester, PA home.

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